WATER BILLINGPay your water bill online by clicking the button below.
PARK & PAVILIONTo view our Pavilion availability, please click the button below.
COMMUNITY CALENDARTo view events happening in our area, please click the button below.
If you have something that needs to be placed on the calendar, please contact the Town Clerk.
SUBSCRIBETo subscribe to our email and/or texting list, please click the button below.
Now offering TEXT MESSAGING! Please fill this form out, even if you are already signed up for emails. The system will recognize that and only subscribe your phone number.
If you plan to pay your Water Bill with a Debit or Credit Card, please do so by October 27, 2024. Our Credit Card system will be shutting down at 11:59 pm on October 27, 2024. All cash and check payments will be accepted until close of business on October 31, 2024.
It is Water Relevy Month! If balances remain on any Water accounts at close of business on October 31, 2024- those balances will be relevied on to the Town & County Property Tax Bills! We DO accept postmarks of 10/31/2024 on mailed in payments. Questions? Call us!
(585) 526-5251 Ext. 2022. |
(Click Below)
(Click Below)
October is our water re-levy month! As many of you know, our town does not shut water service off for non-payment. As of 10/31, any unpaid water bills for the year will roll over onto the property tax bill. Mailed payments need to be postmarked by 10/31. Our online payment module, Quickpay, does an automatic shut off on 10/31 as well. Quickpay will be back up and running for the January Billing.