The most current Legal Notices or Press Releases will be at the top of their respective sides of the web-page.
2023- Town Budget PUBLIC HEARINGS 2022- Tax Cap Override (LL #1-2022) 2022- Landfill Information Sessions 2022- Fair Housing Plan 2022- Community Development Block Grant 2023- Tax Cap Override (LL #1-2023) 2023- Moratorium on Event Venues as Home Based Businesses LEGAL NOTICES 2023- Notice of Receipt of Tax Roll and Warrant SPECIAL MEETINGS 2022- Causewave Community Partners 2023- Organizational Board Meeting PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM 2022- Pick'n Patch Lease 2022- Excess Property BID NOTICES 2022- Cold Storage Pole Barn |
BID PACKETS2022- Pole Barn Bid